Government agencies worldwide are evolving into e-governments to provide better access and service to constituents and businesses, and to make their work forces more efficient.
e-Government evolution
In the face of digital ages, governments need an adaptable, secure foundation to underpin their information technology (IT) infrastructure and software tools to develop and extend their online services.
Our e-Government experiences
Future Solutions has been providing various systems for numerous government departments in the past ten years. Our solutions help government departments shorten the cycle for information dissemination such as news, policies and regulations; significantly increase the efficiency for processing citizens application for various services; largely reduce the administrative cost in applications and documents processing; shorten the response time to public services request; highly increase the citizens satisfaction of public services and the overall efficiency of government operation. Above and beyond, e-Government Solutions benefit government department by extending the collaboration with outside parties as well as reducing the waste of public resources.
The following are some of the Government projects successfully developed and deployed by Future Solutions in the past years :
The following are some of the Government projects successfully developed and deployed by Future Solutions in the past years :
- Case Management and Case Accounting System for the Legal Aid Department
- Time Management System for the Housing Authority
- Museum Collection Management System for the Hong Kong History Museum
- Intelligent Drafting System for the Housing Department
- Asset Management System for the Civil Engineering Department
- Bilingual Law Information System for the Department of Justice
Drive our government to the modern electronic era. Improve public services, enhance democratic processes.
Case Studies